Hope Chest & Asha Threads serves as The Self Sustaining & Fundraising Project for The HOPE Project (Healing, Outreaching to Overcome & Build Opportunities, Prevention of Trafficking, & Educating, & Enriching Lives). HOPE Project supports marginalized women and children rescued from and at risk of Human Trafficking and Abuse in India and Nepal through training and equipping them with means to establish income opportunities through their Artistic abilities and skills as well as Supporting them through directly purchasing their hand crafted products. Support of many other marginalized families' self sustainability is also achieved through Partnering with other fair trade social organizations and their Artisans.
Every purchase of a Hope Chest Asha Threads or Jewelry item benefits a mother and her children in India or Nepal by supporting their daily essential needs including education, food, vocational training and medical. Families are Empowered with HOPE for a future with skills to overcome extreme poverty.
Hope Project's Founders also provide Counseling and Restorative Services including shelter to survivors of Abuse and Trafficking as well as Abuse and Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Education to indigenous villages and women and families in need.
NEW Vendor to the Juniata Valley Int'l Gifts Sale in 2023.
Every purchase of a Hope Chest Asha Threads or Jewelry item benefits a mother and her children in India or Nepal by supporting their daily essential needs including education, food, vocational training and medical. Families are Empowered with HOPE for a future with skills to overcome extreme poverty.
Hope Project's Founders also provide Counseling and Restorative Services including shelter to survivors of Abuse and Trafficking as well as Abuse and Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Education to indigenous villages and women and families in need.
NEW Vendor to the Juniata Valley Int'l Gifts Sale in 2023.